Our Programs

Through 2030, SOS SAHEL’s strategic direction is set by the Green Initiative — through which we prioritize collaborations, especially with women and youth, around three program themes: food security, livelihoods, climate change. 


Sustainable development only succeeds with a strong foundation, and so we bridge critical gaps in water access, sanitation, hygiene and agriculture in the region. This includes building infrastructure, extending education and service delivery networks, and introducing new equipment and management systems to lay the groundwork for stronger agricultural production.


Climate change and population growth in the Sahel lead to increased degraded land, out-migration and insecurity. Mitigation and restoration activities, like altering land use systems and regenerating forests, help us prevent further damage — or reverse it. As land becomes more productive, the more than 80% of Sahelian households dependent on agriculture can attain secure incomes to provide for their families.


Through service centers and community programs, we professionalize management of the entire food system. Training focuses on efficient, productive project oversight and maintenance, including building skills to anticipate and respond to problems along the value chain, as well as sustainable land management and harvesting techniques. This equips local actors to move beyond tradition alone to participate on the global stage.


As we secure a baseline of capacity and essential resource access, we also want to continuously learn and push the boundaries of sustainable change. Convening knowledge academies and hackathons, as well as bridging the gap between local and international stakeholders, helps to drive discovery, knowledge sharing and experimentation across community, national and global scales.