Strengthening women’s livelihoods by fostering new economic opportunities
Aloe vera is a product that’s well-adapted to the arid Sahelian climate. This project aims to develop and revitalize the aloe vera industry, a promising but still under-exploited potential in Ethiopia. Our ambition is to support women’s entrepreneurship in the Borena region by creating opportunity and jobs in the aloe vera sector.
In Ethiopia, there is a large gender pay gap and a lack of employment opportunities for women, hindering the economic development of the country. Through this project, SOS SAHEL intends to support the aloe vera industry as a local agricultural wealth and create income generating activities for women in the aloe vera sector. Such activities will enable women to be financially autonomous.
Ethiopia, Borena region
by investing in this project you will contribute to the sdgs:
In order to support and develop the aloe vera industry, our teams and local partners will:
- Promote women’s access to entrepreneurial and business training courses which will allow them to gain skills and make the most of the product
- Set up aloe vera collection and processing centers
- Support marketing efforts by linking producers to local and international markets
- Encourage the production of value-added aloe vera-based products (soap, etc.)
Women in the Borena region will be trained and equipped to become fully integrated in the aloe vera industry.
This project, which is intended to be sustainable for the local economy of the region, is based on the cultivation of an environmentally friendly plant that preserves biodiversity.
Funding for this project...
by investing
you will open 6 aloe vera processing businesses
by investing
you will fund the professional training of 5,000 rural women in business management